Mike Hankey

Member since 2012

About Mike Hankey

Mike Hankey is a software developer, entrepreneur, amateur astronomer, astrophotographer, meteor observer and meteorite hunter. With only a few years of astronomy experience under his belt Mike has been busy photographing deep space objects, comets and meteor showers. Mike's enthusiasm for meteors led him to the American Meteor Society where he volunteered his time and the services of his software development company to redesign the AMS website and fireball reporting tool. Mike as the webmaster, continues to maintain and enhance the AMS website and fireball reporting tools. You can see Mike's photography work and read more of his posts on his astro blog: MikesAstroPhotos.com


Calibration Frame For Fireball Video Event: 2016/3128

© Mike Hankey

Reduction Frame for fireball video event 2016-3128

© Mike Hankey

March 22nd, 2013 East Coast Fireball

© Carl Fuller

Leonid Meteor - November 17th, 2012

© Mike Hankey

Orionid Arrow - 2012

© Mike Hankey

Perseid Composite - 2012

© Mike Hankey

Quadrantid Fireball - 2011

© Mike Hankey



© 123123

Fireball Through the Clouds

© Mike Hankey

Fireball moving up

© Mike Hankey

First fireball on new cam

© Mike Hankey

Buffalo Fireball

© Bill Cooke / NASA

Buffalo Fireball

© Bill Cooke / NASA

San Antonio Fireball

© Youtube - shadeth

Nov 5, 2014 Fireball

© Jim Wooddell