Meteor Activity Outlook for April 13-19, 2013
During this period the moon reaches its first quarter phase on Wednesday April 17th. At this time the moon is…
During this period the moon reaches its first quarter phase on Wednesday April 17th. At this time the moon is…
During this period the moon reaches its new phase on Wednesday April 10th. At this time the moon is located…
Meteor activity picks up a bit during April as the Lyrids become active during the month. They are active from…
During this period the moon reaches its full phase on Wednesday March 27th. At this time the moon is located…
During this period the moon reaches its first quarter phase on Tuesday March 19th. At this time the moon is…
Have you ever wondered what’s the difference between a meteor and a meteorite or an asteroid, meteoroid or comet? Here…
During this period the moon reaches its new phase on Monday March 11th. At this time the moon is located…
As seen from the northern hemisphere, March is the slowest month for meteor activity. No major annual showers are active…
The 2013 Meteor Shower List is presented in four separate parts. The showers are broken down by intensity with major,…
During this period the moon reaches its full phase on Monday February 25th. At this time the moon will be…
During this period the moon reaches its first quarter phase on Sunday February 17th. At this time the moon is…
During this period the moon reaches its new phase on Sunday February 10th. At this time the moon is located…
February offers the meteor observer in the northern hemisphere a couple of weak showers plus falling sporadic rates. This may…
During this period the moon reaches its full phase on Sunday January 27th. At this time the moon will be…
During this period the moon reaches its new phase on Friday January 11th. At this time the moon is located…
During this period the moon wanes from its current full phase to a little more than one-half illuminated on January…
The Quadrantids are another obscure winter shower usually lost to cloudy weather or sub-freezing temperatures. If your sky is clear…
During this period the moon reaches its fullĀ phase on Friday December 28th. At this time the moon is located…
The week before Christmas is not one usually devoted to meteor observing. That is unfortunate as an obscure shower known…
During this period the moon reaches its first quarter phase on Wednesday December 19th. At this time the moon is…
During this period the moon reaches its new phase on Thursday December 13th. At this time the moon is located…