Bright fireball flashes over Cyprus on January 21st, 2020
185 reports so far (and many videos) about this 100t TNT event seen from Cyprus, Lebanon and Israel.
185 reports so far (and many videos) about this 100t TNT event seen from Cyprus, Lebanon and Israel.
So far, two 55g meteorites have been recovered from a fall that happened over Italy on January, 1st. This fall has been caught on video by the French/Italian fireball camera network Vigie-Ciel/FRIPON & PRISMA.
Everything you need to know to enjoy the most dependable meteor shower of the year (despite the moon)...
We received numerous reports and videos from a bright fireball spotted over St Louis, MO on November 11th.
Over 500 reports from 4 countries Only few minutes after the event, the AMS and its international partners (IMO, Vallende…
Last night was a busy night for the AMS: 2 very bright fireball events occurred less than 6 hours apart: one over Germany and one over Delaware (see from Washington DC, Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia and Delaware).
We received over 900 reports so far about of a slow and bright fireball seen above South and North Carolina on Thursday, April 4th 2019 around 6:50am EDT (10:50 Universal Time). The event was mainly seen from the Carolinas but we also received reports from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia.
The AMS has received over 260 reports so far about of a bright fireball seen above the Ashokan Reservoir, NY on Thursday, March 28th 2019 around 6:13am EST (10:13 Universal Time). The event was mainly seen from Connecticut and Pennsylvania but we also received reports from Washington DC, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont and West Virginia. We also received a video of the event.
We received two amazing photos of the meteorite dropping fireball that occurred over Cuba on Feb. 1, 2019.
A bright fireball has been spotted over Colorado on Thursday February 7th, 2019 around 6:13pm MST (Jan 8, 2019 - 01:13 Universal Time). So far, we received over 100 reports about this event and multiple photos of what looks like a smoke trail left behind the fireball.
Meteorite Fall confirmed next to Viñales, Cuba on February, 1st 2019: maps, photos and videos
The AMS has received over 575 reports so far about of a bright ireball seen above the Northern West Coast area on January 9th, 2019 around 6:35am EST (11:35 Universal Time). The event was seen from Connecticut to North Carolina.
Five Moroccan researchers discovered petroglyphs of what it looks like meteors falling to Earth, suggesting that ancient Moroccans had witnessed meteorite falls.
The AMS has received over 120 reports so far about of a fireball seen above the San Francisco area on December 19th, 2018 around 5:35am PST (Nov. 20th 01:35 Universal Time). The event was seen primarily from Northern California but was also seen from Nevada and Oregon.
The AMS has received over 95 reports so far about of a fireball event seen above Texas on November 15th, 2018 around 21:25am CDT (November 16th 3:25 Universal Time). The fireball was seen primarily from Texas but was also seen from Louisiana and Oklahoma.
The AMS has received over 375 reports so far about of a fireball event seen above Missouri on November 2nd, 2018 around 7:25pm CDT (November 3rd 00:25 Universal Time). The fireball was seen primarily from Missouri but was also seen from Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas.
The AMS has received over 70 reports so far about of a fireball event seen above Florida on October 6th, 2018 around 10:20pm EDT (October 7th 02:20 Universal Time). The fireball was seen primarily from Florida but was also seen from South Carolina and Georgia.
The AMS has received over 500 reports so far about of a fireball event seen above Missouri on August 27th, 2018 around 8:40pm CDT (August 28th 01:40 Universal Time). The fireball was seen primarily from Missouri but was also seen from Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana and Nebraska.
A meteorite has been found in Arizona. The fall has been recorded by an AMS camera.
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory confirmed "an object of unspecified size travelling at 24.4km/s struck earth in Greenland, just 43km (~28 miles) north of an early missile warning Thule Air Base on the 25th of July, 2018". There was no public warning from the US government about the incident.
The AMS has received nearly 600 reports so far about of a fireball event seen above Iowa and Michigan on July 8th, 2018 around 8:40pm CDT (July 9th 01:40 Universal Time). The fireball was seen primarily from Iowa and Illinois but was also seen from Minnesota, Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin.