Mid February Fireballs – Three different meteorite falls recovered in three days
10 years after the Chelyabinsk event, 3 meteorite dropper fireballs occurred within 3 days in France, Italy and Texas
10 years after the Chelyabinsk event, 3 meteorite dropper fireballs occurred within 3 days in France, Italy and Texas
The AMS received 1102 reports so far and some videos displaying a fireball event that occurred over Ohio and West Virginia on Thursday December 1st 2022, 7:34 PM Eastern Standard Time (Dec 2nd, 2022 0:34 Universal Time).
110 reports and 6 videos from 3 states The AMS received 110 reports so far and some spectacular videos displaying…
We received over 130 reports and 6 videos from 4 states about a bright fireball over northern Arizona/southern Nevada
The AMS received nearly 280 reports so far and many spectacular videos displaying a fireball event that occurred West of Seattle on Wednesday October 12, 2022, at 10:15 pm PDT (2022-10-13 05:15 UT).
The AMS received nearly 1200 reports and 10 videos so far about a bright fireball seen from Ireland and the UK.
Fireball caught South West of the UK: more than 480 reports, 9 videos...
Bright fireball spotted over Illinois and Indiana on February 15th, 2022: 20+ reports and 8 videos so far.
We received more than 170 reports so far about a daylight fireball event that occurred over the New Jersey coast on November 13th, 2021 around 04:30pm EST (21:30 Universal Time). The AMS #2021-7611 event was mainly seen from the New Jersey but we also received reports from Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, New York and Pennsylvania.
The American Meteor Society received more than 115 reports so far about a fireball event that occurred over Southern California on October 16th just past 8:45 PM PDT (October 17th, 03:45 Universal Time). The AMS #2021-6638 event was mainly seen from California, but was also visible from Arizona, Nevada and Utah...
The AMS received more than 40 reports so far about a fireball event that occurred west of Denver, CO on October 2rd, 2021 around 4:34 AM CDT (10:34 Universal Time). The AMS #2021-6226 event was mainly seen from Colorado but we also received reports from Wyoming and New Mexico.
The AMS received over a lot of reports of a bright fiery object traveling over Oregon on Thursday, 25 March 2021 around 9pm PDT. It was the remaining of a Falcon 9 second stage from the "Starlink Launch 4" mission launched in February 2020.
Four noticeable fireball events occured during the week-end: one daytime fireball event of the Channel (UK/FR) and 3 over the US (Florida, California & Pennsylvania)
The AMS received more than 500 reports so far about a morning fireball event that occurred over Alberta, Canada on February 22nd, 2021 around 6:23am MST (13:23 Universal Time).
A bright daylight fireball produced a loud boom over central New York on December 2nd, 2020 around 12:08pm EST. We received more than 150 reports about this event.
The AMS received more than 280 reports so far about a fireball event that occurred over Connecticut on November 8th, 2020 around 19:22 EST (November 9th, 02:22 Universal Time). The AMS #2020-5441 event was mainly seen from the Connecticut & New York, but we also received reports from Massachusetts, Delaware, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia and Québec.
The AMS received more than 700 reports so far about a fireball event that occurred over Ohio on September 30th, 2020 around 10:24 Universal Time (06:24 EDT). The event was mainly seen from the Ohio but we also received reports from Washington DC, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Ontario.
Our friends at the IMO just released their annual meteor shower calendar for 2021: everything you need to know about 2021 meteor activity in 28 pages.
The AMS received over 110 reports so far about a fireball event that occurred over California (LA area) on June 10th, 2020 around 3:33 Universal Time (June 9th, 2020 08:33pm PDT). We also received nearly 90 reports about a similar event that occurred the next day North of San Francisco, CA. This second event occurred on June 11th 2020 around 03:51 Universal Time (June 10th, 2020 08:51pm PDT)
Nearly 50 reports so far The AMS received nearly 50 reports so far about a fireball event that occurred over…
A space debris reentry occurred over SoCal on Jan. 29th (PST - Jan 30 UT). This event has been reported by at least 60 witnesses and it has been caught on a AllSky6 camera by one of our operator