During this period the moon will reach its last quarter phase on Thursday March 28th. At this time the moon will be located 90 degrees west of the sun and will rise near 03:00 local daylight saving time (DST) as seen from mid-northern latitudes. This weekend the waning gibbous moon will rise during the late evening hours and will ruin the sky for the remainder of the night. Hourly meteor rates for evening observers this week is near 2 as seen from mid-northern latitudes (45N) and 3 as seen from tropical southern locations (25S). For morning observers the estimated total hourly rates should be near 4 as seen from mid-northern latitudes and 8 from the southern tropics. The actual rates will also depend on factors such as personal light and motion perception, local weather conditions, alertness and experience in watching meteor activity. Morning rates are reduced during this period due to moonlight. Note that the hourly rates listed below are estimates as viewed from dark sky sites away from urban light sources. Observers viewing from urban areas will see less activity as only the brighter meteors will be visible from such locations.
The radiant (the area of the sky where meteors appear to shoot from) positions and rates listed below are exact for Saturday night/Sunday morning March 23/24 . These positions do not change greatly day to day so the listed coordinates may be used during this entire period. Most star atlases (available at science stores and planetariums) will provide maps with grid lines of the celestial coordinates so that you may find out exactly where these positions are located in the sky. A planisphere or computer planetarium program is also useful in showing the sky at any time of night on any date of the year. Activity from each radiant is best seen when it is positioned highest in the sky, either due north or south along the meridian, depending on your latitude. It must be remembered that meteor activity is rarely seen at the radiant position. Rather they shoot outwards from the radiant so it is best to center your field of view so that the radiant lies near the edge and not the center. Viewing there will allow you to easily trace the path of each meteor back to the radiant (if it is a shower member) or in another direction if it is a sporadic. Meteor activity is not seen from radiants that are located far below the horizon. The positions below are listed in a west to east manner in order of right ascension (celestial longitude). The positions listed first are located further west therefore are accessible earlier in the night while those listed further down the list rise later in the night.
These sources of meteoric activity are expected to be active this week.
Details of each source will continue next week when viewing conditions are more favorable for meteor observing.
RA (RA in Deg.) DEC | Km/Sec | Local Daylight Saving Time | North-South | |||
Anthelion (ANT) | – | 13:04 (196) -07 | 30 | 02:00 | 1 – 1 | II |
gamma Normids (GNO) | Mar 24 | 15:56 (239) -51 | 68 | 05:00 | <1 – 1 | II |
Ive seen shooting star right now . It likes color green . Ive seen it within 1 to 2 second/s only .
From philippines
Just seen a meteor burn over the missouri river in waverly mo.
I saw what I assume was a meteor this morning around 6:50am. I live in East Tennessee and was facing the northeast (northern). I lasted roughly 3-4 secs seemingly and left a green bright trail. It was the longest I’ve seen. Saw one earlier in the week facing Southwest from same location. It was not as long though and at night.
walked out the door, about 20 miles west of philly this morning, and a bright orange streak was coming down to the north before it disappeared behind my neighbors house. havent seen one like that since i was a kid.
Just saw the most beautiful, brilliant green meteor over Woodstock, GA, USA at 6:53 A.M. EST. Absolutely stunning!
Just seen a large green one over Chattanooga TN. East to West lasted about 5 Sec.
Dahlonega GA about 6:50am I saw a big green tail meteor cross over 400 north headed SW. It blinked green, so I thought it was a plane until it grew a huge tail. Pulled into work about 5 minutes later, and only one of my co workers saw it too. Made my whole day.
Just seen a large green one over Chattanooga TN. East to West lasted about 5 Sec. 7am march 29, 2019
I saw what I think was a meteor this morning around 6:50am in the Weddington area of Charlotte, NC. It was a bright white and looked like a ball at first and then streaked across the sky with a tail and fell to the ground.
I was in traffic at the time on Hwy 74. I saw it too!
Looking from northeast Georgia, I just saw a meteor go towards the south. It went from a blue color to a green color in seconds. It was bigger than a plane in the sky.
Saw a beautiful meteor this morning about 6:50-6:55 over Soddy Daisy Tennessee. The front end was a brilliant green.
We just saw a green light cone ball shoot through the sky for a good 10 to 15 seconds. We are in Tallapoosa Ga and its was around 655am est. We were headed North and its was coming from the east to west . It was huge and me and family were in awe
I saw large green glow streak across the sky this morning 3/29/19 in north Alabama. It went from East to West.
I saw what I assume was a meteor this morning around 6:50am. I live in East Tennessee and was facing the northeast (northern). I lasted roughly 3-4 secs seemingly and left a green bright trail. It was the longest I’ve seen. Saw one earlier in the week facing Southwest from same location. It was not as long though and at night.
Saw the same thing this morning. 6:50 am. From top of lookout mountain in Chattanooga, TN. Facing northwest, 3-4 secs of bright green trail. Spectacular.
I was in traffic at the time on Hwy 74. I saw it too!