Slow fireball over Portland, OR

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AMS Event 3216-20116
AMS Event 3216-20116 caught by a dash cam provided by Peter Burkhard around 00:00am PDT on September 3rd, 2016

Over 300 reports

The AMS has received over 300 reports so far about an unusually slow fireball seen over Oregon (Portland) on September 2nd, 2016 around 11:54pm PT (Sept. 3rd – 6:54 UT). The fireball was seen primarily from Oregon but witnesses from Washington and British Columbia (CA) also reported the event.

If you witnessed this event please fill an official fireball report.
If you have a video or a photo of this event please contact us.
If you want to learn more about Fireballs: read our Fireball FAQ.

Below is the map of the witnesses location.

AMS Event 3216-20116: Witnesses Location


Below is a video of the event caught on a dashcam and shared on Youtube by Peter Burkhard.


The preliminary estimated trajectory plotted from the witness reports shows the meteor was traveling from the south west to the north east and ended its flight over the Columbia River.

AMS Event 3216-20116: Witnesses Location


One comment

  • Michael McCarthy 9 years ago

    I SAW IT! I was outside Ringler’s Annex Friday Sep 2 at 11:30 / 11:45pm me and MANY other people saw this giant object fall from the sky loudly and brightly. I can only describe it as the size of a building and looked like it was on fire. It was surreal to say the least. Probably the coolest thing i have ever seen in my life.

    Reply to Michael

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