The AMS received over 45 reports so far about a fireball event over UK (England) on Thursday, March 17th 2016 at 3:16 GMT. The fireball was seen primarily from England but witnesses from France and the Netherlands also reported the event. We expect more reports today.
If you witnessed this event please fill an official fireball report.
Below is the map of the first witnesses location and the first estimation of the ground trajectory:

The event has also been caught by © Paul Gilbert from London:
Below is a video of the event. It was recorded by out Church Crookham station of UKMON

I saw it this morning from O’Fallon, Illinois just outside St. Louis Missouri. It was about 6:40 this morning. Went to class and another friend saw it too. Bright fireball, huge, surrounded by green fire and tail. It burned out pretty quickly once I caught sight of it. I can’t believe it could be the same one seem in England. That’s crazy!
I was driving to Stl on 255 passing by the Cahokia exit and saw the same thing! I thought I was crazy bc it happened so fast! It’s so cool some one got this on tape and that you saw it as well!
The one you saw can’t have been the same fireball. This one was at 3 in the morning UK time – which would be about 9 in the evening your time (Missouri is 6 hours behind the UK)
I’ve been looking into this event as I was awakened by a loud atmospheric noise unlike anything ever heard before. The immediate thought was – an asteroid, because of the speed it went by. The time frame is interesting. It was the exact time that the fireball was recorded in the UK. I checked the clock after hearing it because I couldn’t go back to sleep. And the amazing thing is I’m in Perth, Western Australia. Must be tuned in to the other side of the world !