Bright Fireball over Southern France caught on video

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The American Meteor Society received over 55 reports so far about a fireball event over Southern France on Wednesday, February 17th 2016 around 17:20 UT (18:20 local time). The fireball was seen primarily from the Alpine region but witnesses from as far as Corsica, Switzerland and Spain also reported the event.

If you saw this fireball, please report it here ou ici pour une version en français
If you have a video of this fireball, please share it on your free AMS account or contact us using this form.
press only contact.

Below is a video from the event caught during a Rugby game.

Below is another video caught from Italy by © Andrea Franchi

Below is the heatmap of the location of the first witnesses as well as the estimated ground trajectory:

AMS Event #631-2016 – Heatmap & Estimated Ground Trajectory



  • Darrel Bruce 9 years ago

    Could it be anything to do with iss cargo ship release (#Cygnus)?

    Reply to Darrel
    • amsadmin 9 years ago

      Darrel and All,

      This object was most likely a true meteor and not space junk as the duration was quite short. Re-entering space junk usually takes a minute or so to completely disintegrate verses a few seconds for a true meteor.

      I hope this helps!

      Robert Lunsford

      Reply to amsadmin
  • carmen sanz 9 years ago

    BIG fireball, Last night, @ 408 highway from west to east Orlando, Florida, close to OBT rd @ 9:00 pm

    Reply to carmen
    • Elizabeth 9 years ago

      Hi Carmen, I’m over in Winter Springs, Florida and I saw approximately 5 during the daytime and managed to get a few photos with my phone but, the biggest, brightest one had a blue fireball. Unfortunately I was coming back from walgreens and just couldn’t pull over safely to capture it on video or photos. But, when I was in the parking lot a couple of other people stood watching a couple fireballs or space junk coming down with me. Returning home I saw the one that was definitely a fireball. I wonder why more people or the news didn’t report anything. Plus, I made two report’s to AMS but, they’re not posted for some reason. Stay Safe, Elizabeth

      Reply to Elizabeth
  • Denise 9 years ago

    I live/work in southern Indiana right across Ohio river from Louisville, Kentucky, (USA), was there a meteor visible last week or last 10 days approximately 9:45pm, DST? I called a friend when I arrived home and was teased about it, I could find nothing in the news. It would have been in the northeast sky, I live in a very rural area, it was very dark, and I saw a quick flash across the sky.

    Reply to Denise
    • danrll 9 years ago

      I saw it too and I thought it was odd I could see it from town…Clarksville
      it was orangish in color

      Reply to danrll

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