The American Meteor Society and the International Meteor Association received over 60 reports so far about a fireball event over the Eastern Poland on Saturday, October 31st 2015 around 18:05UT. Observers from as far the Netherlands and Austria reported seeing a bright light in the sky. Below is a heat map of the witness reports.

AMS Event#2824-2015 – Heatmap
The preliminary estimated trajectory plotted from the witness reports shows the meteor was traveling from the SE-NW and ended its (visible) flight few miles east of the German Border.

AMS Event#2824-2015 – Preliminary Estimated Trajectory
This event has been on camera:
If you witnessed this firebal please fill out an official fireball report.
2 meteor in Poland 0:13
Fireball over Massachusetts looking from Enfield Ct at 5:15 pm on Nov 1st
observed from my dashcam
i wonder how can someone determine where or if something of this will touch the earth and what is the weight of this